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 Home > Fire and Rescue tools > Firemans Axes 
Aircraft rescue axe 15" rubber insulated handle 20,000 volt specification.Aircraft rescue axe 15" rubber insulated handle 20,000 volt specification.
Crash axe 15" rubber insulated handle 20,000 volt specificationCrash axe 15" rubber insulated handle 20,000 volt specification
Firemans axe 15" rubber insulated handle 20,000 volt specification.Firemans axe 15" rubber insulated handle 20,000 volt specification.
Firemans axe 16" fibreglass shaft with rubber handleFiremans axe 16" fibreglass shaft with rubber handle
Firemans Axe ChromeFiremans Axe Chrome
Metal sleeved Crash axe 30" ash handleMetal sleeved Crash axe 30" ash handle

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